

Relayers are a vital function for the transfer of funds between chains in the Cosmos Ecosystem. We're running the following relayers for these chains: Kava 🔛 Osmosis MintscanInterchain block explorer and data

Humans.ai Validator

Exploring the Intersection of AI and Blockchain with Humans.ai In the rapidly evolving world of technology, the fusion of artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain is paving the way for innovative solutions that

Decentr Validator

Decentr is a 🫶 dear project of ours as it represents a actual product (browser) with the freedom of decentralization ($DEC)! Let’s delve into the fascinating world of Decentr, a Web3 browser and

Oraichain Validator

We are running a decentralized validator for the Oraichain project. What is Oraichain? Oraichain: Bridging AI and Blockchain on Layer 1 Introduction Oraichain is a pioneering project that aims to revolutionize the way

Cosmos Validators run by d3akash.cloud

The Cosmos Ecosystem is a thriving and diverse universe of ideas using the decentralization technology of the https://cosmos.network/ d3akash.cloud is happy to run validators for these networks: Kava.io Kava